Study Abroad Scholarship Directory: is a comprehensive directory of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants to find funding for study outside the US at an undergraduate, graduate, or professional level of study.

Study Abroad Financial Aid Websites:
AIFS Minority Scholarships are awarded one per semester, full tuition for an AIFS study abroad program. One hundred AIFS International Scholarships are awarded annually---$1000 toward an AIFS program.
American Association of University Women - the largest source of funding exclusively for graduate women in the world, supports aspiring scholars around the globe, teachers and activists in local communities, women at critical stages of their careers, and those pursuing professions where women are underrepresented.
Association of Commonwealth Universities - Provides lists of scholarships and fellowships to and from over 480 universities drawn from the Commonwealth countries of Africa and Asia, Australasia and the South Pacific, Canada and the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, Cyprus and Malta.
British Council - lists funding and scholarship information for study in the United Kingdom

DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service - The edu Undergraduate Scholarship is a flexible scholarship program which offers SHORT-TERM scholarships for participation in summer study abroad, internships, senior thesis research or summer courses at German universities and LONG-TERM scholarships for semester or year study abroad.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) - German Academic Exchange Service - association of the institutions of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany, whose goal is to promote closer international relations among universities and other institutions of higher education, especially through the exchange of individual students and scholars.
Entente Cordiale Entente Cordiale scholarships are awarded to outstanding British and French post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students - all subjects - to study or undertake research for an academic year on the other side of the Channel.
Fastweb - a very popular American college scholarship database. Registration required (no-fee).